We would love to have your student join us for Summer camp! Camp is a place where kids and students learn about themselves, find relationships that will last a lifetime, and, most importantly, experience God in a powerful way. Scroll down to see opportunities for elementary, Jr. high, and high school students!
ELEMENTARY CAMP - Entering 4th/5th Grade
Forest Home Christian Camps
Snday, June 8 - Friday, June 13
Elementary Summer Camp 2025 at Forest Home's Wild Rock camp is a week camp specifically designed for students in 4th and 5th grade to experience Christ-centered fun in the beautiful outdoors of the San Bernardino Mountain range in Southern California. During the 6 days, campers will have the opportunity to learn how to pursue a Christ-centered life through sound Biblical teaching, cabin chats, heart-felt worship, and a variety of recreation options and games.
Meet new friends!
A safe place where students will learn about their great God through age-appropriate teaching, engaging worship, and time outdoors in His creation.
JUNIOR HIGH CAMP - Entering 6th, 7th, & 8th Grade
Forest Home Christian Camp
Wednesday, July 30 - Sunday, August 3
This will be the best week of the year!
Students will experience all the fun and excitement of camp, while hearing messages about who Jesus is, and engaging in meaningful conversations in their cabins with their leaders and new friends.
Keep in mind we never want money to be the reason students can't go to camp! We are blessed to have a generous church family that sets aside money just for camp scholarships! Please do not hesitate to ask if the price of camp is holding you back. Contact Giselle at gestrada@wacc.net
HIGH SCHOOL CAMP - Entering 9th-Graduating Seniors
Hume SoCal
Sunday, July 6 - Saturday, July 12
Best week of the year!
Join us for the best week of the summer! You won't want to miss out when we head back up to Hume SoCal Christian Camp for an awesome week of fun. Students will experience all the fun and excitement of camp, while hearing biblical teaching, and going deep with a cabin of their new best friends. This is the best way to get connected with our group and you will not want to miss it!
Keep in mind we never want money to be the reason students can't go to camp! We are blessed to have a generous church family that sets aside money just for camp scholarships! Please do not hesitate to ask if the price of camp is holding you back. Contact Natasha (natasha@wacc.net) to figure out how to make it work!